This translation workshop has been meeting monthly with Jacqueline Pigeot.  Since November 1997, to carry out translations of fundamental texts from Japan’s literary tradition, particularly in the field of poetics. After Kamo no Mabuchi’s Mumyôshô and after the Tôkaidî ki, the group is currently translating representative renga treatises by Nijô Yoshimoto (1320-1388), who played a key role in transforming chain poetry into a genre in its own right.



poetry renga waka



Daniel Struve (Université Paris Cité)

CRCAO members

Full members
Daniel Struve (Université Paris Cité)
Michel Vieillard-Baron (École Pratique des Hautes Études)

Oriane Guillemot (Independent)

Doctoral students
Lise Benezet (Université Paris Cité)
Axel Michel-Anraku (École Pratique des Hautes Études)

Outside Participants

Jacqueline Pigeot (retired)
Sumie Terada (professeur emeritus, INALCO)
Maria Elena Raffi (IFRAE)