General guidelines

For bibliographic references, we recommend using Zotero (or its multilingual version JurisM). Use of this software ensures that bibliographies are optimally standardised, with a significant impact on publication time.

As a general rule, bibliographical references in the notes are indicated succinctly, with full bibliographical references appearing only in the bibliography at the end of the chapter or at the end of the book.

For secondary literature (modern research works), references are given in footnotes and follow the order :

Author [First name only] – Year – Page – (Note if applicable)


Dardess 2013, 72-84

Lévy 1981, 268, no. 2

(See below for details of the styles in French and English).

In the Rencontres collection, the full bibliographical references for a chapter appear at the end of the chapter. There is no general bibliography at the end of the book.

For primary sources, it is preferable to use a different presentation, generally highlighting the title of the work. For works that are often mentioned, abbreviations can be suggested, a list of which will appear at the beginning of the volume.


Sima Qian 司馬遷. Shiji 史記. 10 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1963, 35, v. 1.

Will not be shown as :

Sima 1963, 35, v. 1

But more like:

Shiji 35, v. 1


Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉 and a. Ming shi 明史 (The History of the Ming). 1739th ed. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1974, 35, v. 1

Will not be shown as :

Zhang 1974, 35, v. 1

But more like:

Ming shi 35, v. 1


Xiao Tong 蕭統. Wenxuan 文選. Edited by Li Shan 李善. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1983, 35, v. 1

Will not be shown as :

Xiao & Li 1983, 35, v. 1

But more like:

Wenxuan 35, v. 1


Huang Wenyang 黃文暘, Dong Kang 董康, and & a. Quhai zongmu tiyao 曲海總目提要. Shanghai: Dadong shuju 大東書局, 1928, 35.

Will not be shown as :

Huang & Dong 1928, 35

But more like:

QHZM 35 (In this case, QHZM will appear in the list of abbreviations at the beginning of the volume).

The works may include indexes of proper names (personal names, place names, names of works and so forth).

They may include a thematic index, in which case the entries must be prepared by the scientific editor (index entries in MS Word).

The books do not include a glossary of the original characters at the end of a book or article: the original scripts (Chinese or Japanese for example) follow their transcription in the text itself, both for the main text and for the notes.

The different parts of a book must be organized using the hierarchical levels (titles, subtitles…) available in the word processor: in MS Word, use the Outline mode.

There is no period at the end of a title or subtitle.

Books for the Traverses series must include a summary of the entire book; books for the Rencontres series must include a summary of each chapter.

Abstracts should always be given in both English and French.

Delete spaces after the opening and before the closing of parentheses or brackets. In the case of partial or interspersed quotations, use […] and not (…).

Block quotes must be clearly identifiable.

Notes may be placed at the end of chapters or books, as deemed most appropriate for the editorial project.

Titles in Asian languages may be accompanied by their translation. In this case it is the responsibility of the authors, translators and scientific editors to ensure that the translation is consistent throughout the book.

The translation of a book title should be given in parentheses without italics.

Titles in other European languages should not be accompanied by a translation.

For Chinese books: titles published in simplified characters should be given in simplified characters; titles published in traditional characters should be given in traditional characters.

For Japanese books: titles should be given in modern characters.


Books in French

General typographical rules

Articles written in French should follow the classic French bibliographic norms: non-breaking space before double signs ( : / ; / ! / ?); French quotation marks («  … »); footnote numbers before the punctuation mark.

Bibliographic standard

Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition adapted to the characteristics of French.

See the complete guide at

For Zotero users, import the two style files, Notes de bas de page et Auteur-date on :

All the examples below are in this style.

Bibliographic references

All bibliographic references are footnoted on the model

Author – Year – Page 



Dardess 2013, 72‑84

Lévy 1981, 268, no. 2

Pu 2005, 145, vol. 2

Gu et Wang 1992, p. 155‑167


These brief references refer to the bibliography at the end of the chapter or book which details, in alphabetical order of names and year of publication, the editorial data of each according to the examples presented here.

Examples for the 4 cases above:

Dardess, John W. A Political Life in Ming China: A Grand Secretary and His Times. Lanham, Boulder : Rowman & Littlefield, 2013.

Lévy, André. Le conte en langue vulgaire du XVIIe siècle. Bibliothèque de l’Institut des hautes études chinoises. Paris : Institut des Hautes études chinoises, PUF, 1981.

Pu, Songling. Chroniques de l’étrange. Traduit par André Lévy. 2 vol. Arles : Picquier, 2005.

Gu Meigao 辜美高, et Wang Zhizhong 王枝忠, dir. Guoji Liaozhai lunwenji 国际《聊斋》论文集. Beijing : Beijing shifan xueyuan chubanshe, 1992.

➜ with title translation:

Gu Meigao 辜美高, et Wang Zhizhong 王枝忠, dir. Guoji Liaozhai lunwenji 国际《聊斋》论文集 (International Collection of Essays on Liaozhai). Beijing : Beijing shifan xueyuan chubanshe, 1992.


Other examples:

Individual work

Birch, Cyril, dir. Studies in Chinese literary genres. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1974.

Collective work

De Bary, William Theodore, et Irene Bloom, dir. Sources of Chinese tradition: From earliest times to 1600 (Second edition, Volume 1). New York : Columbia University Press, 1999.

Classical or premodern book in modern edition

Changbaihao gezi 长白浩歌子. Yingchuang yicao 萤窗异草. Sous la direction de Liu Liangeng 刘连庚. Lidai biji xiaoshuo congshu 历代笔记小说丛书. Jinan : Qi Lu shushe, 2004.

Text published in a collective

Carlitz, Katherine. « Passion and Chastity: Meng Chengshun and the Fall of the Ming ». Dans Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema, sous la direction de Maghiel van Crevel, Tian Yuan Tan, et Michel Hockx, 193‑210. Sinica Leidensia, v. 92. Leiden, Boston : Brill, 2009.

Articles published in periodicals

May, Stephen. « Contesting public monolingualism and diglossia: rethinking political theory and language policy for a multilingual world ». Language Policy 13, n° 4 (2014) : 371‑93.

Gu, Keyong 顾克勇 et Weiran 蔚然. « Jingshi yinyang meng zuozhe wei Zhu Changzuo kao » 《警世阴阳梦》作者为朱长祚考. Jining shizhuan xuebao 济宁师专学报 21, n° 1 (2000) : 29‑31.


Li, Han. « News, Public Opinions and History: Fiction on Current events in Seventeenth Century China ». PhD Diss., University of California Irvine, 2009.


Zhu, Changzuo 朱長祚. « Yujing xintan 玉鏡新譚 – Chinese Text Project ». Consulté le 20 octobre 2023.

Books in English

General typographical rules

Articles written in English should be formatted according to standard English bibliographic standards: no spaces between double signs (: / ; / ! / ?); English quotation marks ( » … « ); note calls placed after the punctuation mark; single punctuation marks (period and comma) placed inside the quotation marks.

Bibliographic standard

Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition.

See the full guide at

For Zotero users, this style is available in the Zotero Style Repository. Install the two styles Author-date and Full note.

All the examples below are in this style.

Bibliographic references

All bibliographic references are footnoted as

Author – Year – Page



Dardess 2013, 72-84

Lévy 1981, 268, no. 2

Pu 2005, 145, vol. 2

Gu and Wang 1992, 155-167


The brief references in the footnotes refer to the bibliography at the end of the chapter or book, which will detail, in alphabetical order of names and year of publication, the editorial data of each according to the examples below:

Examples for the 4 cases above:

Dardess, John W. 2013. A Political Life in Ming China: A Grand Secretary and His Times. Lanham, Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Lévy, André. 1981. Le Conte en langue vulgaire du XVIIe siècle. Bibliothèque de l’Institut des Hautes études chinoises. Paris: Institut des Hautes études chinoises, PUF.

Pu, Songling. 2005. Chroniques de l’étrange. Translated by André Lévy. 2 vols. Arles: Picquier.

Gu Meigao 辜美高, and Wang Zhizhong 王枝忠, eds. 1992. Guoji Liaozhai lunwenji 国际《聊斋》论文集. Beijing: Beijing shifan xueyuan chubanshe.

➜ with title translation:

Gu Meigao 辜美高, and Wang Zhizhong 王枝忠, eds. 1992. Guoji Liaozhai lunwenji 国际《聊斋》论文集 (International collection of essays on Liaozhai). Beijing: Beijing shifan xueyuan chubanshe.

Other examples:

Individual work

Birch, Cyril, ed. 1974. Studies in Chinese Literary Genres. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Collective work

De Bary, William Theodore, and Irene Bloom, eds. 1999. Sources of Chinese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600 (Second Edition, Volume 1). New York: Columbia University Press.

Classical or premodern book in modern edition

Changbaihao gezi 长白浩歌子. 2004. Yingchuang yicao 萤窗异草. Edited by Liu Liangeng 刘连庚. Lidai biji xiaoshuo congshu 历代笔记小说丛书. Jinan: Qi Lu shushe.

Text published in a collective

Carlitz, Katherine. 2009. “Passion and Chastity: Meng Chengshun and the Fall of the Ming.” In Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema, edited by Maghiel van Crevel, Tian Yuan Tan, and Michel Hockx, 193–210. Sinica Leidensia, v. 92. Leiden, Boston: Brill.

Articles published in periodicals

May, Stephen. 2014. “Contesting Public Monolingualism and Diglossia: Rethinking Political Theory and Language Policy for a Multilingual World.” Language Policy 13 (4): 371–93.

Gu, Keyong 顾克勇 and Weiran 蔚然. 2000. “Jingshi yinyang meng zuozhe wei Zhu Changzuo kao” 《警世阴阳梦》作者为朱长祚考. Jining shizhuan xuebao 济宁师专学报 21 (01): 29–31.


Li, Han. 2009. “News, Public Opinions and History: Fiction on Current Events in Seventeenth Century China.” PhD Diss., Irvine: University of California Irvine.


Zhu, Changzuo 朱長祚. n.d. “Yujing Xintan 玉鏡新譚 – Chinese Text Project.” Accessed October 20, 2022.
