CRCAO / Productions
Revue d’Études Tibétaines
The Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines is an online journal which presents original and unpublished contributions by the CRCAO’s researchers as well as external experts. It also regularly features promising research work by doctoral students and independent scholars. It is principally intended for a specialized audience, or a readership which appreciates the scientific requirements of modern Tibetan studies. The founder and director of the journal is Jean-Luc Achard.
Editorial Board
The journal’s editorial board, composed of Alice Travers (CNRS, CRCAO), Charles Ramble (EPHE, CRCAO), and Jean-Luc Achard (CNRS, CRCAO), has a decision-making role, and defines the journal’s general program and selects articles for publication. The committee meets twice a year to establish the final list of articles to be published.
Board of Reviewers
This board is composed of the following members: Ester Bianchi (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Fabienne Jagou (EFEO), Rob Mayer (Oriental Institute, University of Oxford), Fernand Meyer (CNRS-EPHE), Ramon Prats (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Charles Ramble (EPHE), Françoise Robin (INALCO), Alice Travers (CNRS), and Jean-Luc Achard (CNRS). It plays a consultative role.
The journal is published twice a year, in April and October. In the case of lengthy articles or thematic issues, special editions are published according to the same specifications as the regular bi-annual journal (generally appearing in July and December).
Participation is open to all regular members of CNRS research groups, all their associate members, and doctoral students. As mentioned above, contributions by independent scholars are also accepted. All articles must be submitted to the editorial board for approval. All articles must be unpublished; in the case of previously published articles, justification for their re-publication must be submitted to the editorial board for approval.
The journal includes articles, monographs, and book reviews.
Given its biannual publication, the journal does not include newsletters providing information on conferences, workshops, and other events.
The journal accepts articles in French (which are given priority), Tibetan, English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese.
The size of each issue varies according to the length and content of the articles, number of illustrations, etc. The journal is designed to allow for fast display or downloading of the articles.
Open access
The journal is an open access publication. The material published in the journal is the property of the authors. While the material is available for free download, the reproduction of articles on fee-based online portals (including, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Optimal visibility in all major search engines is ensured through automatic indexing of articles via the bots service that analyzes Cambridge University’s website daily.
The journal is hosted by Digital Himalaya, a website directed by Mark Turin, Cambridge & Yale University; all volumes or individual articles are available as free PDF downloads.
The journal is available in PDF format in order to provide a faithful rendering of the data on all computer platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.). This type of format safeguards the material’s original format, pagination, etc. when printed.
Études mongoles & sibériennes, centrasiatiques & tibétaines
The journal Études mongoles was founded in 1970 by Roberte Hamayon, and is currently housed in the Centre for Mongolian and Siberian Studies of the École Pratique des Hautes Études. It expanded its fields of research to Siberia in 1976, then to Central Asia and Tibet in 2004 when it became Études mongoles & sibériennes, centrasiatiques & tibétaines (EMSCAT). The “Nord-Asie” series is a printed supplement to EMSCAT dedicated to the publication of monographs.
EMSCAT publishes original work, in French or English, by French and foreign researchers. Since 2009, it is published online only on the OpenEdition Journals platform, in open access.
The journal is published with the support of the East Asian Civilizations Research Centre (CRCAO-UMR 8155). Several members of the Unit are members of the editorial team of the journal: Quentin Devers, Charles Ramble and Marta Sernesi are members of its editorial board, and Charlotte Thionois is the Desk editor.
Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
The CRCAO supports the journal Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident by financing issues coordinated by members of the laboratory and/or to which they contribute.