
To submit a manuscript, write to the series director, Rainier Lanselle and deposit the documents below in the following dropbox: .

  • The manuscript with the intended title of the work
  • A synthetic presentation of the editorial project in two pages maximum
  • A brief presentation of the author(s), co-author(s), translator(s), or scientific editor(s)

(1/2 page maximum per person).

The evaluation and decision-making process is based on the principle of collegiality of decisions within the editorial committee of the series, and on the opinions of the evaluators.

All manuscripts undergo strict double-blind evaluation. For collective works in the Rencontres series, each chapter is evaluated individually. We invite scientific editors of collective works to use the report templates available here.

The publishing process is coordinated between the series management and the scientific editor.

The management has a single scientific editor for each project, whether he or she is an author, translator, editor, or a representative designated by the scientific leaders of a collective project.

Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed in no more than six months. Following this evaluation, you will receive a notification of acceptance or refusal.

If the project is accepted, a publishing contract will be signed at the end of the procedure. This contract sets out a timetable and the conditions for publishing.

The manuscript should be submitted in MS Word format.

The manuscript should be structured with titles and subtitles respecting the hierarchical levels processed in MS Word.

All works, including collective works (Rencontres collection), should be presented in a single structured file.

It is the responsibility of the scientific editors of the collective works to transmit to the co-authors the requests of the editorial committee of the series, concerning the conformity of their texts, requests for editorial modifications, corrections of proofs, etc., and to respect as well as to ensure that authors respect the prescribed schedules.

The proceedings of a conference published in the « Rencontres » collection must be the subject of editorial work by the scientific editors responsible for the conference. It is their responsibility to transmit the editorial and bibliographic standards to the authors of the contributions in order to ensure the harmonization of the work as a whole.

The scientific editors will also have to ensure that the contributions are of a homogeneous quality; they will have to make a selection among the contributions. The existence of this selection process must be clearly announced to the participants in a conference before they submit their projected contribution.

The work should include an introduction.

Any manuscript, author or collective book

– that is not accompanied by the synthetic presentation and the presentation of the authors;

– that is not delivered as a single file with titles and subtitles structured by levels;

– that is not up to standards, especially bibliographic ones;

– that is not harmonized;

– that lacks an introduction

will not be accepted.


Illustrations, drawings, sketches

For images, photographs and other iconographic resources, scientific publishers must ensure that they have the reproduction rights according to the legislation in force. It is their responsibility to take the necessary steps to acquire these rights. The Civilizations of East Asia series does not finance these acquisitions.

Rights should apply to both digital and the printed media.

Captions should indicate the source of the illustration and its credit.

Illustrations should have a minimum resolution of 600dpi. Files should be submitted in .jpeg, .png, .tiff or .psd format.

The illustrations will be placed in the text itself, numbered in order of appearance. Each illustration should have a title, a caption and a credit.

In addition to being included in the MS Word file, illustrations should be submitted separately in a folder. They should be classified according to their numbering in the text, e.g.:

  • ill_01
  • ill_02
  • ill_03

For works intended for the collections  » Traverses « ,  » Recto-verso « ,  » L’atelier « , the numbering of the illustrations should be continuous, from the first to the last.

For books intended for the Rencontres collection, numbering should be done by chapter and should begin with the author’s name; e.g.:

  • Hayek_ill_01
  • Hayek_ill_02
  • Hayek_ill_03
  • Lanselle_ill_01
  • Lanselle_ill_02
  • Lanselle_ill_03


The tables are numbered according to their order of appearance in the text.

Each table should a title and, if necessary, a caption and a source.

Multimedia content

The online version of works may include multimedia content (sound, video, presentation) such as Youtube multimedia,, MédiHAL, Gallica, Flickr, etc.

Files will be submitted in a folder, in a similar order to the illustrations. The URLs will be the subject of a specific webography.
