CRCAO / Teachings
Members seminars and teachings
All the seminars and courses taught by full members of the laboratory
Alice Bianchi
- • Cultures matérielles de l’Asie Orientale – L1 et L2 – LCCER Chinois, LCCER Coréen, LCCER Japonais, LCCER Vietnamien – Université de Paris
- Histoire de l’art de la Chine – L2 – LLCER Chinois - Université de Paris
- Histoire de la Chine des Yuan aux Qing – L2 – LLCER Chinois - Université de Paris
- Compréhension écrite et version – L2 – LLCER Chinois - Université de Paris
- Chinois classique - L3 – LLCER Chinois – Université de Paris
- Traduction en français – M1 – LLCER Chinois - Université de Paris
- Séminaire Disciplinaire transversal 1 : Initiation aux outils de la recherche – M1 –Université de Paris
- Histoire de la culture visuelle de l’Asie Orientale – Master 1-2 – EHESS
Joachim Boittout
- Histoire de la littérature chinoise (Yuan-Qing), niveau L2
- Langue chinoise moderne (compréhension écrite, traduction), niveau L2
- Traduction, niveau Master 2
Laurianne Bruneau
- Introduction to the arts and archaeology of Inner Asia
- Master's course: History and archaeology of the Indian world (with Valérie Gillet, EFEO)
- Master's course: Archaeology of Buddhism in India and Central Asia: new approaches and recent discoveries
Marianne Bujard
- Conférences hebdomadaire EPHE : « Histoire de la religion et de la pensée dans la Chine ancienne »
- Avec M. Pierre Marsone (EPHE, IVe section), séminaire mensuel de deux heures de déchiffrement, transcription et traduction en français d’inscriptions des temples de Pékin
- Avec M. Olivier Venture (EPHE, IVe section), séminaire de deux heures mensuelles de lecture de manuscrits du IVe siècle avant notre ère animé Laetitia Chhiv (doctorante)
César Castellvi
- Media sociology (L3 - 1st semester)
- Research methodology (M1 - 1st semester)
- Sociology of Public Sphere in Japan (M1 and M2 - 1st semester)
- Doing Fieldwork in Japan (seminar at the EHESS)
- Japanese Grammar (L2 - 1st and 2nd semester)
Ken Daimaru
- Undergraduate course 1 : Introduction to East Asian Studies, Université Paris Cité
- Undergraduate course 1 & 2 : Cultural History of Japan, Université Paris Cité
- Undergraduate course 2 : Japanese traditional knowledge and techniques, Université Paris Cité
- Undergraduate course 3 : History of Japan: Texts and Methods, Université Paris Cité
- Master seminar : History and Sociology of Beliefs and Knowledge, Université Paris Cité
- Seminar History of sciences in East Asia (Master LOPHIS, Université Paris Cité) (participation)
- History of Contemporary East Asia : Sources, Methods, Objects (with Alain Delissen and Victor Louzon)
Roger Darrobers
- Cours de langue et civilisation chinoises au département de LEA de l’Université Paris Nanterre (Licence et Master)
Frédéric Devienne
- Orientalist research and documentation techniques (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam), UFR LCAO
- Regular speaker in Master seminars (documentary methodology), UFR LCAO
Nicolas Fiévé
- "The castle of the Lords Ii of Hikone, its palaces and gardens in the Edo period. Fourth part: the Rakurakuen garden and the Genkyûen park".
Thomas Garcin
- Literature and Popular Culture in Postwar Japan
Arnaud Grivaud
- Grammatical analysis and translation
- History of the 20th Century
- Society 2 - Society and Public Policies in Contemporary Japan
- Introduction to Japanese Law
Midori Hirose
- History of Japanese art
- History of Japanese design
- Written expression for first year students
Annick Horiuchi 堀内アニック・美都
- Seminar "Culture and knowledge of pre-modern Japan: textual approaches", Master of Japanese Studies, Université de Paris
- Courses Bachelor 2 : “Culture in Early modern Japan”, Université de Paris
- Course Bachelor 3 : “History of Japan : Texts and Methods” Université de Paris
- Program Seminar "Kyūshū and its sourroundings"
- Seminar History of Sciences in East Asia, Master LOPHIS, Université de Paris (participation)
Benoît Jacquet
- Post master seminar “researches on architecture,” HESAM University
- Master 1 seminar “Architecture/s and Landscape/s”, ENSAPLV-HESAM University
- Master 2 seminar, graduation project, “Landscape/s: architecture, sustainable territory process”, ENSAPLV-HESAM University
- Master 2 seminar, graduation project, “Return (from Myanmar and Mongolia), ENSAPLV-HESAM University
Liying Kuo
- Cycle de conférences annuel avec des chercheurs invités de l’Institut de Dunhuang
Béatrice L’Haridon
- History of Chinese thought (Undergraduate)
- Classical Chinese (Undergraduate)
- Research seminars on historiography or on chapters of the Liji (Graduate)
- History of China (pre-imperial era and Qin-Han dynasties)
- Translation (undergraduate and graduate)
- Research methodologies in Chinese studies (Graduate)
Rainier Lanselle
- Weekly conference at the EPHE, chair of "History and Philology of Classical China"
- Fiction and rewriting of history under the Ming and Qing: around Peach Flowers Blossom Fan. (III)
- Historical fiction: philology and theoretical approaches. Reading of the Taohua shan 桃花扇 of Kong Shangren 孔尚任 (1648-1718)
- Training in reading and translating classical Chinese from prose and narrative literature (Master degree teaching)
Guoqiang Li
- Chinese language and civilization
Pierre Marsone
- History and culture of the Conquest Dynasties (Xth-XIVth c.)
Julien Martine
- « Innovation and employment in Japan », (Master's Degree in Languages, Culture and Digital Innovations - LCIN)
Anne-Lise Mithout
- Japanese grammar
- Sociology of gender in Japan
- Japanese economy
- Intercultural management
- Sociology of minorities in Japan (master seminar)
Costantino Moretti
- Introduction à la lecture des manuscrits chinois médiévaux. (Mardi 10h-12h, Sorbonne, 17 rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris, Escalier E)
- Histoire et philologie du bouddhisme chinois médiéval. (Jeudi 10h-12h, MSH, 54 bd. Raspail, 75006 Paris, salle 20)
Philippe Papin
Charles Ramble
- Tibetan history and philology
Alain Rocher
- Hermeneutics of myth in the Yoshida tradition
- History of the Koku-ju ronsô
Cécile Sakai
- Classes from undergraduate (3 levels) to postgraduate
- Translation course in M1, Methodological course and Theory of Literature course in M2
Pauline Sebillaud 史宝琳
- « Computer for archaeology », Heilongjiang University
- « Settlement archaeology, household, and spatial analysis », Heilongjiang University
Marta Sernesi
- Tibetan Religions
Marianne Simon-Oikawa
- Modern Literature (L1)
- Introduction to Japanese Visual Culture (L1-L2)
- Reading Comprehension and Translation (L2)
- Translation: literary texts (M1)
- Cross-disciplinary seminar: current trends in academic research (M2)
- Modern Literature and Contemporary Issues: literature and the visual arts (M2)
Daniel Struve
- Initiation à la langue japonaise classique
- Introduction à la littérature japonaise ancienne
- Introduction à la littérature de l’époque d’Edo
- Séminaire de recherche sur la littérature de l’époque d’Edo
Alain Thote
Alice Travers
- Lecturer in history at the INALCO (Tibetan section)
Olivier Venture
Michel Vieillard-Baron
- EPHE conferences
Shuang Xu
- Research Seminar: Contemporary Chinese Literature (Master 2)
- Specialty Courses : Chinese literature from 1949 to the present day (L3)
- Specific courses for Master MEEF : Literature and civilization: study of texts 1 and 2 (from 2021-22)
- Language Improvement Courses : Oral Communication Techniques 1 and 3 (Master 1 and Master 2)
Florence Xiangyun Zhang
- Chinese Grammar
- Translation and redaction in Chinese
- Seminar for Master students: translation – theory and practice
- Seminar for research– translation and transdisciplinarity
Garance Chao Zhang
- Reading group "Essential documents and regulations of the Song (Songhuiyao)" (CRCAO-CCJ)
Bing Zhao
- Seminar "Reading and processing of Chinese archives" (CRCAO-CCJ) (since January 2019), co-responsible with Françoise Wang-Toutain (DR, CRCAO), Catherine Jami (DR, CCJ) (CRCAO)
- Seminar "Science and Knowledge of East Asia in Globalization (16th-20th century)", co-responsible, with Catherine Jami (DR, CCJ) and Frédéric Obringer (CR, CCJ) (CCJ, EHESS, starting at the beginning of the academic year 2020-2021)