CRCAO / Research / Partner institutions
Dunhuang Academy

On Monday the 23rd of October 2013 the CRCAO and the Dunhuang Academy signed a cooperation agreement, through the Research and International Relations Division of the EPHE. The agreement was concluded following the joint drafting of a scientific cooperation plan.
The CRCAO and the Dunhuang Academy have collaborated on an informal basis for at least a decade due to the important role played by this field of research in the work of the CRCAO. Due to the regularity with which the two institutions have collaborated since 2009, an agreement was established to formalize that collaboration to promote the research work of the two institutions and to further foster scientific exchange.
Since 2009, joint activities of the two Institutes contribute to animate scientific life of the CRCAO through various regular exchanges of researchers and shared activities. Several Chinese researchers were invited in Paris by the CRCAO for a period of one month each. Their contribution to the French Research Team’s activities includes giving lectures, conducting round table discussions, taking part in seminars led by members of the Research Team, etc. Similarly, every year, various members of the CRCAO working on Dunhuang, Turfan and Central Asian studies, have been hosted by the Academy to conduct research. The Academy notably helped them to facilitate the access to the archeological sites of the region and the primary sources found in such sites.