Deux événements autour du travail de Liu Jianhui
October 23 2023 - October 25 2023
Professeur accueilli par le CRCAO
Conferences, seminars, study days, find all the latest news from the CRCAO.
October 23 2023 - October 25 2023
Professeur accueilli par le CRCAO
October 23 2023 - Conference
Monday October 23, 2023 Seminar Room Léon Vandermeersch (481C, 4th floor, building C, 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75013, Paris) Participants : Liu Jianhui (International Research Centre for Japanese Studies, Japan, visiting…
October 25 2023 - May 15 2024 - Seminar
This seminar is aimed at stimulating discussion based on current research into the history of contemporary East Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan…), highlighting the issues involved in collecting and analyzing…
October 12 2023 - October 13 2023 - Conference
International Workshop organized as part of the « Historical anthropology of the margins of the Chinese empire » research programme
October 19 2023 - October 21 2023 - Conference
Due to its enormous expansion of the networks established by the Tibetan Empire between the 7th and 9th century, Tibetan culture, language, and religion spread across a vast territory, reaching…
October 05 2023 - October 18 2023 - Lecture
Cycle de conférences (en anglais) l’archéologie du Cachemire par M. Ajmal Shah (Centre of Central Asian Studies, Université du Cachemire, Inde)
Publication des modèles de transcription automatique des documents historiques chinois du consortium Numerica Sinologica
September 27 2023 - October 20 2023 - Exhibition
Le projet HiRADa (Himalayan Rock Art Database, programme: Archéologie trans-himalayenne : mouvements de populations et interactions matérielles, de la préhistoire à la période bouddhique) participe, en partenariat avec la photographe indienne Ahtushi…
October 06 2023 - Lecture
Conférence d’Oleg Benesch (University of York)
Prix de thèse
Nils Martin, post-doctorant au CRCAO, a reçu pour sa thèse de doctorat le « Khyentse Foundation Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Buddhist Studies ».
September 23 2023 - Soutenance de thèse
Monitored Connections: Transnational Nagasaki and the Circulation of Hybridized Cosmologies in Early Modern Japan (1630–1720)
La proscription du catholicisme en Chine (1724-1860)
July 10 2023 - July 11 2023 - Seminar
The so-called “later transmission period” (phyi dar, 11th –13th c.) was a time of efflorescence during which many religious traditions and institutions were initiated. The religious landscape was dotted with…
Entretien avec César Castellvi
Mélanges offerts à Marc Kalinowski
The editorial board of Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines is pleased to announce the publication of volume 54 , a special issue edited by Anne Dalles Maréchal, Clément…
Le Théâtre selon Mishima est l’occasion de découvrir un pan important de l’œuvre de l’auteur de Confession d’un masque ou de La Mer de la fertilité à travers quatre pièces…
June 01 2023 - June 02 2023
Un atelier d’étude des traditions commentariales en Chine et au Japon