Membre CRCAO - Équipe TBACT

Françoise Pommaret

Directrice de recherche, CNRS


Sa recherche est fondée sur l’étude des sources historiques et de nombreux terrains dans différentes régions du Bhoutan qui éclairent l’interaction des vallées, et qui sont propices aux entretiens, et à l’observation participante.

Deux thèmes de recherche se dégagent:  histoire et société; et cultes non-bouddhiques et bouddhisation qui relève de l’anthropologie religieuse. Ces deux thèmes se croisent aujourd’hui dans l’étude des élites et de leur légitimité fondée sur les divinités et une ascendance prestigieuse.

Thématiques de recherche

  • Phénomènes non bouddhiques
  • Divinités locales
  • Lignées religieuses
  • Pouvoir et élites

Programmes de recherche CRCAO

Publications (HAL Archive Ouverte)

  • Pommaret Francoise, Seiji Kumagai, Miguel Ortega, Anna Balikci-Denjongpa (Dir.). Traditional neighbors, Different modernities. Kyoto University Press, pp.287, 2024, 978-1-920850-23-4. ⟨hal-04855647⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Stephanie Guyer-Stevens. Divine Messengers. The Untold story of Bhutan's Female Shamans. Shambhala, pp.175, 2021, 978-1-61180-918-3. ⟨hal-03950299⟩
  • George Van Driem, Francoise Pommaret, Karma Tshering. Parlons dzongkha: langue du Bhoutan. Harmattan, 478 p., 2014. ⟨hal-01678902⟩
  • Philippe Della Casa, Peter Fux, Christoph Waiser, Francoise Pommaret. Bhutan-Swiss Archeology project 2013: Report on activities and outlook. SLSA-Rietberg Museum, Rapport annuel/annual report 2013 SLSA, pp.23-28, 2013. ⟨hal-01679621⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Jean-Luc Achard (Dir.). TIBETAN STUDIES IN HONOR OF SAMTEN KARMAY. Amnye Machen, pp.600, 2009. ⟨halshs-00718087⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Ardussi John (Dir.). Bhutan. Traditions and changes. Proceedings of the XIth IATS Oxford 2003. Brill, pp.230, 2007. ⟨halshs-00718083⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret (Dir.). Lhasa in the seventeenth century, the capital of the Dalai-Lamas. Brill, pp.250, 2003. ⟨halshs-00718081⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Schicklgruber Christian (Dir.). Bhutan: Encuentro con los dioses en el Himalaya. Fundacio "La Caixa", pp.300, 1999. ⟨halshs-00718074⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret (Dir.). Lhasa: Terre du divin. Olizane, pp.250, 1997. ⟨halshs-00717988⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Schicklgruber Christian. Bhutan: Mountain-fortress of the Gods. C. Schicklgruber & F. Pommaret. Serindia- Museum für Völkerkunde Wien, pp.400, 1997. ⟨halshs-00717987⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Zo ra rva skyes. Note on a local deity of a "hidden country" in North-east Bhutan.. Gwen Hislop. Festschrift in honor of George van Driem, Brill, In press. ⟨halshs-03943544⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Ritual Dance Mask of Guru Dorje Drolo. Karl Debreczeny and elena Pakhoutova. Himalayan Art in 108 objects, Rubin Museum of Art, In press, 978 1 78551 452 4. ⟨halshs-03950814⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Introduction. Manfred Giehmann. HIMALAYAN TREASURES. Adornments from Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, Manfred Giehmann, pp.17-21, 2019. ⟨halshs-03953910⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Some considerations on Cultural Landscapes in Bhutan. R.Lin, J. Makai &Y.Samdrup. South Asian Cultural Landscape Initiatives; Experience in Bhutan, UNESCO, pp.36-38, 2018. ⟨halshs-03953888⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Samten Yeshi. From Tibet to Bhutan. A note on the introduction of the dance of Gesar in Bumthang. Isabelle Henrion-Doucy; Katia Buffetrille. Musique et épopée en Haute-Asie. Mélanges offerts à Mireille Helffer à l'occasion de son 90e anniversaire, l'Asiathèque, pp.217-228, 2018. ⟨hal-01680247⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Kapila D. Silva, Amita Sinha. Conservation of Cultural landscapes in Bhutan. Landscapes of South Asia: Studies in Heritage Conservation and Management, Routledge, pp.13-23, 2016. ⟨hal-01678970⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. The Community of Ngangla Trong. Karma Phuntsho. Twilight of Cultures. Tradition and Change in four Rural Communities in Bhutan, Helvetas, pp.13-49, 2015. ⟨hal-01678922⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Bhoutan. Images économiques du monde 2017. Géopolitique. Géoéconomie, Armand Colin, pp.417-418, 2015. ⟨hal-01678942⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Tashi Tshering. The Cakravartin-King. Symbolism of the Bhutanese Monarchy. Thierry Mathou. The Bodhisattva king, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan, Bhutan Publishing house, pp.253-267, 2015. ⟨hal-01679017⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Note on Tsha chu. The therapeutic hot springs of Bhutan. Charles Ramble; Ulrike Roesler. Tibetan and Himalayan Healing: an Anthology for Anthony Aris, Vajra Publications, pp.543-546, 2015. ⟨hal-01678923⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Men have titles, women have property. Note on the history of Wangdu Choling, Bumthang, Bhutan. Hanna Havnevik; Charles Ramble. From Bhakti to Bon. Festschrift for Per Kvaerne, the Institute for Comparative Research in Human culture, pp.395-408, 2015. ⟨hal-01678938⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Bon in Bhutan. What is in the name ?. Seiji Kumagai. Bhutanese Buddhism and Its Culture, Vajra Publications, pp.113-126, 2014. ⟨hal-01678920⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Ogyen Choling: The story of a Himalayan Estate. Kunzang Choden. Ogyen choling. A manor in central Bhutan, Riyang, pp.31-36, 2012. ⟨halshs-00943160⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. The Masters go west. A story of Buddhism's adaptation to 'new fields'. Karma Ura. Buddhism Without Borders. Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalized Buddhism,, Centre for Bhutan Studies, pp.89-96, 2012. ⟨halshs-00943155⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Note on the palaces and mansions of Bhutan. J.L Achard. Etudes tibétaines en l'honneur d' Anne Chayet, EPHE Dzoz, pp.205-216, 2010. ⟨halshs-00718065⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Recovering identity: Students' fieldwork in Bhutan. Ramon N. Prats. The Pandita and the Siddha, Tibetan Studies in Honour of E. Gene Smith, Amnye Machen, pp.210-217, 2007. ⟨halshs-00718048⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Rouge est le Sang: Le Bétel au Bhoutan. P. Le Failler & A. Hubert. Opiums: les plantes du plaisir et de la convivialité en Asie, l'Harmattan, pp.25-38, 2000. ⟨halshs-00718005⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. The Mon pa revisited: in search of Mon. Toni Huber. Sacred Spaces and Powerful Places in Tibetan culture, Tibetan Library of Works and Archives, pp.52-73, 1999. ⟨halshs-00718008⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. El Arte de Bhutan. C. Schicklgruber & F. Pommaret. Bhutan: encuentro con los dioses en el Himalaya, Fundacio "La Caixa", pp.67-87, 1998. ⟨halshs-00717986⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "The Birth of a nation". C. Schicklgruber & F. Pommaret. Bhutan: Mountain-fortress of the Gods, Serindia, pp.179-208, 1997. ⟨halshs-00717983⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. The Way to the throne. C. Schicklgruber & F. Pommaret. Bhutan: Mountain-fortress of the Gods, Serindia, pp.209-235, 1997. ⟨halshs-00717984⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "Le pilier/mégalithe de Nabji: un lieu surdéterminé du Bhoutan central". Samten Karmay & Philippe Sagant. Les Habitants du Toit du Monde: Hommage à Alexander W. Macdonald, société d'ethnologie, pp.391-418, 1997. ⟨halshs-00717980⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "Ethnic Mosaic: the Peoples of Bhutan". C. Schicklgruber & F. Pommaret. Bhutan: Mountain-fortress of the Gods, Serindia, pp.43-59, 1997. ⟨halshs-00717981⟩
  • Diana K. Myers, Francoise Pommaret. "The fabric of Life in Bhutan". Susan Bean & Diana K. Myers. From the Land of the Thunder Dragon: Textile Arts of Bhutan, Serindia - Peabody Essex Museum, pp.71-80, 1994. ⟨halshs-00717937⟩
  • Diana K. Myers, Francoise Pommaret. "Bhutan and its neighbors". Susan Bean & Diana K. Myers. From the Land of the Thunder Dragon: Textile Arts of Bhutan, Serindia - Peabody Essex Museum, pp.47-70, 1994. ⟨halshs-00717935⟩
  • Diana K. Myers, Francoise Pommaret. "Cut and Stitched: Textiles made by men". Susan Bean & Diana K. Myers. From the Land of the Thunder Dragon: Textile Arts of Bhutan, Serindia - Peabody Essex Museum, pp.143-166, 1994. ⟨halshs-00717940⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Devotion, Culture, and Social Work: Royal Patronage in Bhutan. Druk journal, 2015, 1 (2), pp.74-84. ⟨hal-01679016⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Empowering religious women practitioners in contemporary Bhutan. Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, 2015, ‘Autonomous’ female religious specialists (34), pp.115-138. ⟨hal-01679018⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. A cultural epiphany. Religious dances of Bhutan and their costumes. Marg: The Arts of Bhutan, 2015, 66 (4), pp.30-39. ⟨hal-01678939⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Reflections on the Role of University Research (ཞིབ་འཚ'ལ) in the Bhutanese Context. Journal of Bhutan Research and Development, 2012. ⟨halshs-02503518⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Delok ('das log) women on the fringes of Buddhism. SSEASR journal, 2012, VI, pp.56-64. ⟨halshs-00788150⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Delok ('das log), women on the fringes of Buddhism. South & Southeast Asia culture and religion Journal, 2012. ⟨halshs-02503526⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Dances in Bhutan. A traditional medium of information. Journal of Bhutan Studies, 2006, 14, pp.26-35. ⟨halshs-00718020⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Yul and Yul lha: the territory and its deity in Bhutan. Bulletin of Tibetology, 2004, 40 (1), pp.39-67. ⟨halshs-00718017⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Etres soumis, Etres protecteurs: Padmasambhava et les Huit Catégories de Dieux et Démons au Bhoutan. Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, 2003, 2, pp.40-66. ⟨halshs-00718012⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Weaving hidden threads: Some ethno-historical clues on the artistic affinities between Eastern Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh". Tibet Journal, 2002, vol.XXVII (1 & 2), pp.177-196. ⟨halshs-00718007⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Recent Bhutanese scholarship in History and Anthropology. Journal of Bhutan Studies, 2000, 3 (2), pp.139-163. ⟨halshs-00718010⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Notes sur le négoce entre le Bhoutan, le Bengale et l'Assam. Journal Asiatique, 1999, 287 (1), pp.285-303. ⟨halshs-00718004⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. 'Entrance-keepers of a hidden country': Preliminary notes on the Monpa of south-central Bhutan". Tibet Journal, 1994, 19 (3), pp.46-62. ⟨halshs-00717939⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Yoshiro Imaeda. "Note sur la situation linguistique du Bhoutan et étude préliminaire des termes de parenté". Indo-Tibetan Studies, 1990, pp.115-127. ⟨halshs-00717789⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Yoshiro Imaeda. "Le monastère de gTam zhing (Tamshing) au Bhoutan central". Arts Asiatiques, 1987, XLII, pp.19-30. ⟨10.3406/arasi.1987.1213⟩. ⟨halshs-00717786⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Alliances and Power in Central Bhutan: A narrative of religion, prestige and wealth (mid 19th -mid 20th centuries). Bhutan-Sikkim panel, 12th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver 2010, 2016, Vancouver, Canada. pp.49-66. ⟨hal-01678940⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Empowering religious women practitioners in contemporary Bhutan. Women as Visionaries, Healers and Poisoners - Autonomous Female Religious Specialists in Tibet, the Himalayas and Inner Asia,, Nicola Schneider and Mona Schrempf, May 2013, Berlin, Germany. pp.115-138. ⟨halshs-00943169⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. The Trongsa cultural Atlas (Bhutan. International Symposium on Safeguarding Lo Manthang and the Cultural Landscape of Upper Mustang, Nov 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal. ⟨halshs-00943172⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret, Tobgay Tashi. Bhutan's pervasive phallus: Is Drukpa Kunley really responsible?. Golden Jubilee conference of the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 2008, Gangtok, India. pp.59-76. ⟨halshs-00718069⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Encounter with a dream. Performing a ritual: Bhutanese pilgrims in Tibet. Santa Barbara Seminar on Tibetan rituals, 2007, Santa Barbara, United States. pp.249-261. ⟨halshs-00718063⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Bon and chos, community rituals in Bhutan. International Association of Tibetan Studies SEminar, 2006, Bonn, Allemagne. pp.111-144. ⟨halshs-00718060⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Protectors of Bhutan. The role of Guru Rinpoche and the Eight Categories of Gods and Demons (lHa srin sde brgyad). First international Conference on the rich scriptural heritage of Bhutan, 2005, Thimphu, Bhutan. pp.305-340. ⟨halshs-00718052⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. The fascinating life of Lama Changchub Tsöngru (1817-1856) according to his biography. 1st International seminar on Bhutanese Studies, 2003, Thimphu, Bhoutan. pp.73-89. ⟨halshs-00718016⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. La dernière frontière himalayenne: Evangélistes et tentative de colonisation des âmes. Religion et politique en Asie : histoire et actualité, 2003, Paris, France. pp.133-156. ⟨halshs-00718019⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Estate and deities: A ritual from central Bhutan. The bskang gso of O rgyan chos gling. XIth IATS Oxford, 2003, oxford, United Kingdom. pp.135-158. ⟨halshs-00718021⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Historical and religious relations between Lhodrak (Southern Tibet) and Bumthang (Bhutan) from the 18th to the early 20th century: Preliminary data. History of Tibet Conference, 2001, St Andrews, United Kingdom. pp.91-106. ⟨halshs-00718013⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. La danse des 'Huit Catégories de Dieux et Démons' au Bhoutan. International Association of Tibetan Studies Seminar, 2000, Leiden, Pays-Bas. pp.159-178. ⟨halshs-00718006⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. Buddhist monasteries in Asia, 1999, France. pp.283-304. ⟨halshs-00718015⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Rituels non-bouddhiques de Kheng 'Bu li (Bhoutan),. 8th IATS seminar Bloomington 1998, 1998, Bloomington, États-Unis. pp.60-77. ⟨halshs-00718018⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. Maîtres des trésors (gTer bdag): Divinités locales et médiums au Bhoutan. International Association of Tibetan Studies conference Graz, 1995, Graz, Autriche. pp.79-98. ⟨halshs-00717985⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "On local and mountain deities in Bhutan". "Le culte des montagnes sacrées dans l'aire tibétaine et tibéto-birmane", 1994, Paris, France. pp.39-56. ⟨halshs-00717941⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "Notes on the Stylistic & Historical connections between Bhutan & Southern Tibet". towards a definition of Style: the arts of Tibet, 1994, London, France. pp.210-220. ⟨halshs-00717943⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "Les fêtes aux divinités-montagnes Phyva au Bhoutan de l'Est". International association for Tibetan Studies Fagernes1992, Aug 1992, Fagernes, Norvège. pp.660-669. ⟨halshs-00717806⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "Textiles of Bhutan: way of life and symbol of identity". Bhutan: aspects of culture and development, 1992, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.173-189. ⟨halshs-00717934⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "Les revenants de l'au-delà ('das log): sources littéraires et tradition vivante, une première présentation". International Association of Tibetan Studies, 1989, Narita, Japon. pp.673- 686. ⟨halshs-00717797⟩
  • Francoise Pommaret. "The construction of Ladakhi houses in the Indus Valley". International association of Tibetan studies, 1979, Oxford, United Kingdom. pp.249-255. ⟨halshs-00717781⟩
