CRCAO / Les actualités

Translating Indigeneity: Politics, Identity, and Oceans in the Works of Syaman Rapongan and Heather Tsui

07 février 2025 - Conférence

Conférence de Kyle Shernuk

This presentation investigates strategies for the translation of Indigenous identity in contemporary Taiwan through a comparative study of literary and visual works by Syaman Rapongan and Heather Tsui. Focusing on the site of Orchid Island and its Indigenous inhabitants, the Tao people, I analyze diverging (auto)ethnographic methods for presenting Indigenous culture in the hegemonically Han cultural context of Taiwan. I argue that the two artists’ engagements with Tao culture represent ideological antipodes: Syaman Rapongan offers his audiences a centrifugal, oceanic framework for understanding the world while Tsui provides a centripetal worldview that foregrounds normative and localized concerns. Considered together, I will further suggest that their complementary ethnographic strategies describe an emerging politics of Indigeneity that is central to understanding the next stage of Taiwan identity politics.

Kyle Shernuk is assistant professor of modern Chinese literature and culture at Georgetown University. His research takes a particular interest in disempowered and minoritized populations, with recent publications focusing on issues of ethnicity, Indigeneity, queerness, and language in global Chinese communities and an in-progress book manuscript, Sinoscapes:Ethnicity, Language, and Chineseness in Contemporary Chinese Language Literature. He is also an active Chinese-English translator and the editor of the Cambria Sinophone Translation Series at Cambria Press. His translation of Syaman Rapongan’s novel, Eyes of the Sky, is under contract with Columbia University Press.

7 février, 11h-13h, réunion Zoom

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Sujet: séminaire « pratique translinguistique »
Heure: 7 févr. 2025 11:00 AM Paris
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ID de réunion: 891 1757 3837
Code secret: 031104
