Vol. 5 (2024): Commentary and Exegesis
Le volume 5 du Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies (JEACS) est paru et librement accessible sur le site de la revue avec les volumes précédents. Il contient une section spéciale sur le commentaire et l’exégèse coordonné par Marie Bizais-Lillig. Ce travail est la continuation des journées d’étude Commentary: A Text, A Gesture organisées en décembre 2022 et mars 2023 à Strasbourg avec le soutien du CRCAO, du GÉO, du GIS Asie et de l’USIAS.
Between the Lines 字裡行間Marie BIZAIS-LILLIG, Laura DE GIORGI, Alison HARDIE, Sascha KLOTZBÜCHER, Frank KRAUSHAAR, Irmy SCHWEIGER and Elizabeth SMITHROSSER
Special Issue Section: Commentary and Exegesis 註釋与詮釋
Commentary and Exegesis in the Pre-Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Chinese Worlds: An Introduction中國古今註釋與詮釋研究:導言Marie BIZAIS-LILLIG
▪ In Poetry and Fiction 詩賦和小說
Tracing Controversies of Understanding in Traditional Commentaries to “Lord Amidst Clouds” From the Songs of Chu《楚辭 · 雲中君》傳統評注中解讀爭議的歷時性研究Michael SCHIMMELPFENNIGExposing the Authorial Intent? Self-Commentaries in Xie Lingyun’s Shanju Fu自現其意?謝靈運自註《山居賦》Olga LOMOVÁMastering Meaning: Self-Exegesis in Medieval Chinese Poetic Writings掌控意義:中古詩賦裏的作者自註Xiaofei TIAN 田曉菲Reading Yan Lianke’s Fiction Through the Lens of Shijing Exegesis從《詩經》訓詁視角解讀閻連科小說Roman LASHIN
▪ In History 史
Textuality and Performance: Citations of Personal Literary Collections in Liu Xiaobiao’s Annotations to Shishuo Xinyu文本與言行: 劉孝標《世說新語》註文中對別集的引用Evan NICOLL-JOHNSONVisible and Spectacular: Commentary on Geographical Writings in Medieval China可見與壯觀:中古時期地理書寫中的注疏Hsienmin CHU 朱先敏
▪ In Thought 子
Continuity in Zhangian Ontology張湛本體論的連續性Shad GILBERTBetween Cooperation and Competition. A Comparative Reading of Eastern Han Commentaries to the Liji 禮記互動與競爭:東漢《禮記》註文的比較研究Marco POUGETWhat is Other than “Us”: Non-Buddhist Sources in the Buddhist Commentary Zhiguan Fuxing Chuanhong Jue非“我”之“它”:佛教注釋書《止觀輔行傳弘決》中的非佛教文獻Rusha JIN 金如沙
Issues at Stake in Poetic Commentary in Medieval Japan: Fujiwara no Teika’s Secret Investigations of Kenshō’s Commentary [on Kokin waka shū], Kenchū mikkan (1221)日本中世紀時期的詩歌評論:藤原定家的《顕注密勘》研究Michel VIEILLARD-BARON
Research Article:
Epistolary Activities in the Early Southern Ming Period (1644–1652)南明初期書信交換活動研究(1644-1652)Qian SU 蘇謙
Book Reviews
邱貴芬 Chiu Kuei-fen, 台灣文學的世界之路 [The Global Path of Taiwanese Literature] by Irmy SCHWEIGERJennifer Dorothy Lee, Anxiety Aesthetics. Maoist Legacies in China. 1978–1985 by Helmut OPLETALShi Su, Cai Lu and Benjun Tu, The Misadventures of Master Mugwort: A Joke Book Trilogy From Imperial China by Alison HARDIEXin Wen, The King’s Road. Diplomacy and the Remaking of the Silk Road by Bart DESSEIN
List of PhDs Defended at European Institutions in 2023–2024