CRCAO / News

History of contemporary East Asia: sources, methods, objects

October 04 2021 - June 07 2022 - Seminar

This seminar aims to bring together specialists in modern East Asian history. Each session will be based on the presentation of a corpus of sources (public and private, handwritten and printed, literary, oral, iconographic and audiovisual, material and digitalized), followed by a discussion of methodological and historiographical problems raised by its use. The geographical scope of the seminar is East Asia, corresponding to present-day China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, with an emphasis on regional, transnational, and comparative approaches.

Organizers: Ken Daimaru (University of Paris), Sheldon Garon (Princeton University), Victor Louzon (Sorbonne University)


All the sessions will take place at the Collège de France (11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris), except for the first session which will be held at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (17 Quai d’Anjou, 75004 Paris). Presentation of the health pass is mandatory.

Registration required, by sending an email to An excerpt of the historical records discussed by the speaker will be sent to participants one week in advance.



Monday, October 4 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm, Paris Institute for Advanced Study, salle voûtée.

Sheldon Garon (Princeton University/Paris IAS 2021-2022), « Transnational Sources for Measuring ‘Civilian Morale’ in Wartime Japan. »

Discussant : Claire Andrieu (Sciences Po / Centre d’histoire)

Tuesday, November 9 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, Collège de France, room 2

Pierre Fuller (Sciences Po/Centre d’histoire), « La gravure sur bois comme source pour l’histoire de la sociologie en Chine. »

Monday, December 6 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm, Collège de France, room 4

Ken Daimaru (University of Paris/CRCAO), « Collecter, codifier et diffuser les images médicales au Japon. »

Monday, January 10 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm, Collège de France, room 4

Flora Lichaa (Rennes 2 University/ERIMIT), « Le film documentaire indépendant comme source pour l’histoire de la période maoïste. »

Discussant : Marion Cairault (Université Paris 8/IHTP)

Tuesday, February 8 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, Collège de France, room 5

David Serfass (INALCO/IFRAE), « Sources cartographiques et sciences camérales en Chine. »

Discussant : Marie de Rugy (Université de Strasbourg / ARCHE)

Tuesday, March 8 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, Collège de France, room 5

Alain Delissen (EHESS/CCJ), « Un répertoire des techniciens de la Corée coloniale/en guerre : formes, usages… et réusages (1939, 1995, 2022…). »

Tuesday, April 5 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, Collège de France, room 5

Noémi Godefroy (INALCO/IFRAE), « Transcrire et traduire sans trahir ? Les récits et épopées aïnous (yukar). »

Monday, May 9 from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Collège de France, room 4

Victor Louzon (Sorbonne University/SIRICE), « Que faire d’un document isolé à la première personne ? Le journal de Shi Mingru, Mandchoukouo, 1938-1945. »

Discussant : Christine Vidal (Université de Lille / CECILLE)

Tuesday, June 7 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, Collège de France, room 4

Cécile Sakai (University of Paris/CRCAO), « Littérature vs Histoire, à la lisière de la fiction : des particularités japonaises ? »

Discussant : Sebastian Veg (EHESS / CECMC)
