CRCAO member - China Team

Pablo Blitstein

Associate Professor, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences


I am an Associate Professor at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), Paris. I conduct research on both medieval and late imperial China, and on global networks of Chinese reformers in the late 19th and early 20th century. My interests are global and intellectual history, with a special focus on writing practices and political institutions. I obtained my PhD at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in 2012. Before joining the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, I was research assistant the Collège de France, researcher the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” and lecturer at Heidelberg University.

Research thematics

  • History of nationalism between East Asia, Europe and the Americas (19th- 20th centuries)
  • History of knowledge and political institutions in 19th-early 20th century China
  • History of early medieval China
