CRCAO member - Japan Team
Maxime Bonnet
École Pratique des Hautes Études
Thesis : The Iberian tradition of Japanese grammar and Late Middle Japanese (1592-1632)
Directed by Jean-Noël Robert
Research thematics
- Linguistics, Historical linguistics: Late Middle Japanese(XIII-XVIIth), the creation of the current Japanese standard (hyōjungo)
- Missionary Linguistics: The first Iberian tradition of Japanese studies (XVI-XVIIth), Diego Collado, the Amakusa edition of Álvares'Grammar (1594)
- Japanese Linguistics Epistemology of the language sciences: the grammaticisation of the travelling languages (XVI-XVIIth), the history of Japanese thoughts about language, the linguistic tradition in French Japanese studies (XIX-XXth)
- Modern History: The first encounter between Europe and Japan, European and Japanese Renaissances
- History of Japan: the Azuchi-Momoyama period, Christian century in Japan
- Japanese Literature: Fucan Fabian : the Amakusa edition of the Tale of the Heike, the Aesop's Fables and the Kinkushū (1592-1593)