CRCAO member - China Team
Linlong Li
École Pratique des Hautes Études
Thesis : The circulation of lacquer techniques and lacquer objects between China and France during the period of the "Thirteen Hong of Canton (1684-1856)
Directed by Bing Zhao and Catherine CAPDEVILLE-ZENG (Co-directrice de thèse, Inalco)
My research, from a dual perspective of comparative technical history and historical anthropology, re-evaluates the import of Chinese lacquerware exported to France and its cultural and technological impacts during the period known as the « Thirteen Hongs of Canton (1684-1856) ». It deals with a fascinating page of Franco-Chinese cultural and technical history that spans several centuries, exploring its scientific, historical and ideological dimensions and better understanding the evolution and combination of technologies related to Chinese lacquers. In concrete terms, what interests me most is the study of the cultural and social phenomena that can be observed from these objects, with in-depth studies on the local level.
Research thematics
- The techniques of lacquer and lacquerware between China and France
- Ethno-archaeological fieldwork in Yunnan Province: lacquerware in the space of the people