CRCAO member - China Team

Liang Zhong

Université Paris Cité


After having defended a dissertation at the EPHE (PSL) in 2022 on the divinatory and sacrificial registers of the kingdom of Chu in the fourth century B.C., I am continuing my research on the documents of practice (divinatory, sacrificial, administrative, funeral) of Chinese antiquity. On the other hand, I am developing a new project on the relations between individuals within the different social groups (master and client, landowner and tenant, lord and subject, administrator and administered, emperor and general, etc.) from the eighth BCE to the fourth century BC. The study of these relationships reflects particularly well the evolution of society before the invasion of non-Chinese nomadic populations

Research thematics

  • The Chu divinatory and sacrificial manuscripts
  • The affection given to the dog in ancient China
  • Han Administrative Documents
  • Funeral Documents

Publications (HAL Archive Ouverte)

  • Liang Zhong. 2016年英文簡牘研究概要 [Aperçu des études en langue anglaise relatives aux documents sur lattes en bois et en bambou en 2016]. 簡帛, 2018, 17, p. 281-306. ⟨halshs-03204062⟩
  • Liang Zhong. Les ancêtres dans les manuscrits divinatoires et sacrificiels de la tombe n°2 de Baoshan, vol. XXXVI-1, 2017, p. 21-51.. Études Chinoises, 2017. ⟨hal-03135724⟩
  • Liang Zhong. 2015 年西文簡牘研究概要 [Aperçu des études en langues occidentales relatives aux documents sur lattes et tablettes en bois et en bambou parues en 2015]. 簡帛, 2016, 13, p. 213-235. ⟨halshs-03204053⟩
  • Liang Zhong. Les registres divinatoires et sacrificiels du royaume de Chu au IV e siècle avant notre ère. Histoire. École Pratique des Hautes Études Paris, 2022. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-04085570⟩
