CRCAO member - China Team
Guoqiang Li
Associate Professor, Université Paris Nanterre
My field of research focuses on the triangular “man-nature-culture” interactions in ancient China through ethnobotanical and ethnozoological knowledge and systems, the exploitation and domestication of plants and animals in the social context and the process, whereby plants and animals have received symbolic attributes in social and cultural life. My main works focus on the sacrifice of animals, the domestication of millet and the role that natural rhythm played in social organization and the formation of Chinese correlative thought. In recent years, my research and fieldwork have been added on Jean-Marie Delavay (1834-1895), missionary of the Foreign Missions from Paris to Yunnan and great botanist collector of plants from Yunnan, and in the footsteps of French missionaries in Yunnan.
Research thematics
- Plants and animals in ancient China
CRCAO research programmes
- Chinese language and civilization
Publications (HAL Archive Ouverte)
- Guoqiang Li. Les poèmes de Lu Xun. You Feng, 2021. ⟨hal-03414477⟩
- Guoqiang Li. Le Mûrier dans la Chine antique : rites, mythes et symboles. Peeters, pp.202, 2013. ⟨hal-03414493⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage
- Guoqiang Li. Élaboration des systèmes phénologiques dans les calendriers chinois (XIIIe siècle AEC-IIe siècle EC). Arrault Alain; Guyotjeannin Olivier; Mane Perrine. Calendriers d’Europe et d’Asie. De l'antiquité à la diffusion de l'imprimerie, École nationale des chartes, 2021, 978-2-35723-159-7. ⟨hal-03414549⟩
- Guoqiang Li. La meule, la cueillette et la proto-domestication des millets depuis le Paléolithique supérieur jusqu’au début du Néolithique dans la Chine septentrionale. Les meules du Néolithique à l’époque médiévale : technique, culture, diffusion, ARTEHIS Éditions, pp.479-488, 2017, ⟨10.4000/books.artehis.4090⟩. ⟨hal-03414537⟩
Article dans une revue
- Joanna Kujawa, Wojciech Kujawski, Sophie Cerneaux, Guoqiang Li, Samer Al-Gharabli. Zirconium dioxide membranes decorated by silanes based-modifiers for membrane distillation – Material chemistry approach. Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 596, pp.117597. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117597⟩. ⟨hal-03790686⟩
- Guoqiang Li. Dapingzi, la première chrétienté au cœur du Yunnan (1835-1925). Bulletin de l'Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient, 2020, 106, pp.267-320. ⟨hal-03414527⟩
- Kaylan Suman Manna, Laurent Dupont, Guoqiang Li. Exploiting soft organic optical resonant structure towards large range electro-optic tunable devices. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 220, pp.161 - 165. ⟨10.1016/j.molliq.2016.04.077⟩. ⟨hal-01321455⟩
- Konstantin Borisenko, Yixin Chen, Guoqiang Li. Applications of electron reduced density function analysis to the study of amorphous materials: an example of Zr64.13Cu15.75Ni10.12Al10.0 and Zr55Cu30Ni5Al10 metallic glasses. Philosophical Magazine, 2010, pp.1. ⟨10.1080/14786435.2010.487475⟩. ⟨hal-00603441⟩
- Guoqiang Li. Élevage et domestication des blovins dans la Chine antique sous les Zhou (11ème – 3ème siècles avant J.-C). Ethnozootechnie, 2007, 79, pp.75-87. ⟨hal-03414515⟩
- Guoqiang Li. Sacrifices et domestication des bovins dans la Chine antique sous les Shang postérieurs (vers 1300 à 1046 avant J.-C.). Anthropozoologica, 2007, 42 (1), pp.19-46. ⟨hal-03414504⟩
Communication dans un congrès
- Congcong Ye, Chun Li, Guoqiang Li, Lihong Jiang, Hongming Cai. A Behavior Analysis Method Towards Product Quality Management. 11th International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS), Oct 2017, Shanghai, China. pp.12-20, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-94845-4_2⟩. ⟨hal-01888640⟩
- Xiaohong Wu, Yonggen Gu, Guoqiang Li, Jie Tao, Jingyu Chen, et al.. Online Mechanism Design for VMs Allocation in Private Cloud. 11th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC), Sep 2014, Ilan, Taiwan. pp.234-246, ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44917-2_20⟩. ⟨hal-01403088⟩
- Min Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Fuxi Fu. Secrecy of Signals by Typing in Signal Transduction. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'2006), Sep 2006, Xian, China. pp.384-393, ⟨10.1007/11881223⟩. ⟨hal-00155525⟩
- Min Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Fuxi Fu, Zhizhou Zhang, Lin He. Typing Aberrance in Signal Transduction. ICNC'05, Aug 2005, Chang Sha, China. pp.668-677, ⟨10.1007/11539902⟩. ⟨hal-00155502⟩
- Min Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Fuxi Fu, Zhizhou Zhang, Lin He. Representation of the Signal Transduction with Aberrance Using Ipi Calculus. First International Symposium, CIS 2004, Dec 2004, Shanghai, China. pp.477-485, ⟨10.1007/b104566⟩. ⟨hal-00155354⟩
Pré-publication, Document de travail
- Hongming Liu, Hongfei Fu, Zhiyong Yu, Jiaxin Song, Guoqiang Li. Scalable Linear Invariant Generation with Farkas' Lemma. 2022. ⟨hal-03463338v2⟩