Online workshop via Zoom
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For more information about the workshop, please contact Annick Horiuchi or Pierre-Emmanuel Roux
Friday, September 9, 2022
(Central European Time)
8:45 : Introduction
Session 1: Circulation of knowledge and scholarly networks
Chair: Bettina GRAMLICH-OKA (Sophia University)
9:00-9:40 / 16:00-16:40 (Japan)
ŌSHIMA Akihide 大島明秀 (Prefectural University of Kumamoto)
The Circulation of “Dutch Studies” (Rangaku) Knowledge in the Early Modern Kumamoto Domain (in Japanese)
9:40-10:20 / 16:40-17:20 (Japan)
Daniel SAID MONTEIRO (Université Paris Cité)
Learning from the Continent: Nagasaki Scholar-Interpreters in the Wake of the Ming-Qing Transition
10:20-11:00 / 17:20-18:00 (Japan)
Nicolas MOLLARD (Université Lyon III – Jean Moulin)
Networks of Naturalists and Introduction Routes of Agricultural Plants in Satsuma Domain from the Perspective of Seikei zusetsu (Illustrated Catalogue of Creation, 1804)
11:00-11:15 Break
Session 2: East Asian connections and religious matters
Chair: W. J. BOOT (Leiden University)
11:15-11:55 / 18:15-18:55 (Japan)
François LACHAUD (École française d’Extrême-Orient)
The Chinese Connection: Lives and Afterlives of Yinyuan Longqi (1592-1673) in Nagasaki
11:55-12:35 / 18:55-19:35 (Japan)
Pierre-Emmanuel ROUX (Université Paris Cité)
Kyūshū: The Heart of Anti-Christianity in Early Modern East Asia
Session 3: Technical knowledge: From global to local
Chair: Catherine JAMI (CNRS)
14:30-15:10 / 21:30-22:10 (Japan) / 8:30-9:10 (US-EST)
Fiona KARCZ (Sorbonne Université)
Knowledge and Skills between West and East: the Jesuit Mission Press in Kyūshū (1591-1614)
15:10-15:50 / 22:10-22:40 (Japan) / 9:10-9:50 (US-EST)
Nathan LEDBETTER (Princeton University)
Local Matters: Kyūshū as a Site of the ‘Global’ Spread of Firearms
15:50-16:00 Break
16:00-16:40 / 23:00-23:40 (Japan) / 10:00-10:40 (US-EST)
Smallpox on the Ryūkyū Islands: Maritime Transmission and Local Treatment Methods
16:40-17:20 / 23:40-00:20 (Japan) / 10:40-11:20 (US-EST)
Céline ZURETTI (Université Paris Cité)
Technical Innovation in Premodern Kyūshū: The Case of the Shūseikan Jigyō of Satsuma Domain
Saturday, September 10, 2022
(Central European Time)
8:45 : Introduction
Session 4: International trade and local power
Chair: Andrew COBBING (University of Nottingham)
9:00-9:40 / 16:00-16:40 (Japan)
Frederik CRYNS (International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
Hirado as the Gateway to Japan on the Eve of the Early Modern Period
9:40-10:20 / 16:40-17:20 (Japan)
PENG Hao 彭浩 (Osaka City University)
Nagasaki Trade and the Regional Market of Kyūshū in the Eighteenth Century (in Japanese)
10:20-11:00 / 17:20-18:00 (Japan)
Patrick BEILLEVAIRE (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Putting up with Shogunate Restrictions. Satsuma’s China Trade via the Kingdom of Ryūkyū
11:15-11:55 / 18:15-18:55 (Japan)
Rebekah CLEMENTS (ICREA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Foreigners and the Consolidation of Power in Satsuma Domain during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
11:55-12:20 Concluding Remarks