CRCAO / Research / Research programmes
Genji monogatari
Japan Team
This is a long-term program, built around a translation workshop of the early 11th- century Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari). Each group member takes it to present a translation of a page from the novel, which is then examined and amended at a meeting. The group intends to translate « Wakamurasaki », the 5th book of Genji, while continuing the work of publishing the previous chapters. The group is also continuing to publish materials from colloquia organized in previous years:
– In Japanese, proceedings from the « Fiction and History » cycle (2021-2023)
– In French, two special Cipango volumes including materials from previous cycles.
novel translation
Daniel Struve
(Université Paris Cité)
Sumie Terada
CRCAO members
Full members
Daniel Struve
(Université Paris Cité)
Michel Vieillard-Baron
(École Pratique des Hautes Études)
Associated members
Anne Bayard-Sakai
Sumie Terada
Oriane Guillemot
Doctoral students
Lise Benezet
(Université Paris Cité)
Axel Michel-Anraku
(École Pratique des Hautes Études)
Outside Participants
Maria-Elena Raffi
(post-doctoral, IFRAE)
Catherine Garnier
(emeritus professor, Inalco)